Can dogs eat bananas?

Us, pet parents, are always looking for new delicious and healthy treats we can make for our dogs, since we all imagine how boring it can be to eat nothing by kibbles. Some of the most common ingredients are peanut butter, cheese and fruits such as strawberries, but can we add bananas to that list? […]

Rescued Dogs From China Meat Trade: What You Need To Know

 When we think about dogs rescued from China’s meat trade, the first thing that comes to mind is probably an image of a poor animal, malnourished and terrified, being held in a tiny cage on its way to slaughter. It’s heart-wrenching to think about these animals enduring such horrors, especially at such events as the […]

Which is the best dog food for Pitbulls?

If you’re thinking about getting a Pitbull puppy, you should know that they’re among of the kindest and most loving dogs on the planet. Regardless of the many negative stereotypes that surround them. They have a higher risk of developing certain health issues, such as food allergies. These, on the other hand, may be easily […]

5 Dog Grooming & Hygiene Tips You Must Know

Dog grooming and overall dog hygiene are both incredibly important. If you don’t do the correct dog grooming and maintenance this can lead to more problems down the road. Regular dog grooming is essential for the health and happiness of your furry companion. Professional grooming can be expensive, considering the fact that you can do […]