How to choose best dog food?

Feeding your dog a complete and balanced diet is one of the most important things you can do for his health.  So how do you choose a healthy dog ​​diet?  The truth is that there is no “healthy dog ​​food” because different dogs have different nutritional needs.  Instead, there are a few key factors to […]

Can You Give Kittens Raw Food?

Young cats have a high demand for energy, high-quality protein and nutrients. Kittens also need a lot more fluids than adult cats. Raw food for kittens provides your little cat with beneficial fats as an energy source, highly digestible proteins, important nutrients and sufficient fluids. Raw feeding is ideal, especially for young kittens. Since a […]

Do Labradoodles Make Good Pets? Why are They so Popular?

There is no doubt that the world loves their dogs. Hundreds of millions of households around the world have dogs and adore them. Dogs not only provide companionship but are a ton of fun and can even be great for protection. While there are many great dog breeds families can have as pets, among the […]