Everything You Need To Know About Canine Parvovirus in Dogs

Dogs make amazing pets and also help us lead a peaceful life, but they can succumb to many diseases and illnesses, which we ought to take care of. While there are many diseases out there that can harm our dogs, there is none as fatal as the Canine Parvovirus. In this blog, we will be unearthing everything related to this disease and how can one keep their buddy safe from it.

Everything You Need To Know About Canine Parvovirus in Dogs

Canine Parvovirus: What Is It?

The canine parvovirus infection, which is more commonly known as Parvo as well, is an extremely contagious viral illness that affects dogs, especially young puppies that are between the ages of six weeks to six months. This particular virus takes on two different forms: intestinal and cardiac. The intestinal form is characterized by vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, and loss of appetite whereas the cardiac form is a deadly attack on the heart muscles of very young puppies and could prove fatal.

Canine Parvovirus Symptoms

The following symptoms may indicate that your four-legged buddy might be having the canine parvovirus. If you notice, any of the below symptoms, kindly get in touch with a vet.

  • Anorexia
  • Bloody and severe diarrhea
  • Dehydration
  • Discomforts and pain
  • Drastic weight loss
  • Inflamed tissue around the eyes and mouth areas
  • Fever
  • Lethargic
  • Low body temperature
  • Rapid heart beats
  • Vomiting

What Causes The Canine Parvovirus?

There are numerous risk factors involved for Parvo, but the virus is more commonly transmitted by either direct contact with an infected dog, or indirectly, by the fecal-oral route. Moreover, there is also evidence that this particular virus can live and breed in the ground soil for up to one year.

How To Treat Dogs From The Canine Parvovirus?

The first steps that need to be taken is to get the pet hydrated, control nausea and vomiting, and prevent secondary bacterial infections and control abdominal pain. You’ll also need to take your buddy to the vet so that fluids can be given through injections. Treating your dog from Parvo at home is fairly difficult, and thus, you pal needs to be hospitalized for 7 days at most. The good news is, the survival rate for hospitalized parvo dogs is a stellar 90%. Furthermore, the infected dogs should get vaccinated for parvo about three to four weeks after the treatment is successful.

Tips For Preventing Your Dog From Getting Parvo

The following tips will help keep your canine away from the parvovirus. Make sure to read through them carefully.

  • Ensure your dog gets the parvovirus vaccine.
  • Keep your puppy or unvaccinated dog as far as possible from other dogs.
  • Avoid places where your buddy can encounter the parvovirus from unvaccinated dogs.
  • If your buddy shows symptoms (mentioned above), take him to the vet immediately to rule out any possibility of parvovirus.
  • Vaccinate your dog regularly.

Parvovirus can be fatal no doubt, but if you are extra careful, your buddy can stay safe and secure from any such diseases and illnesses. Ensure you are doing your best to keep your buddy out of harm’s way. Stay safe and keep your pal safe too!

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Author Bio: Joshua Scot

Joshua Scott is a Freelance Blogger, writer, and model who lives in Los Angeles. Joshua has been writing online for the past 4 years. He loves to write articles and blogs on a niche like Pets, Animal, Modeling & Traveling. He is passionate about spreading knowledge & tips across the world.

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