Category Archives: Cat Price List

Pet Nutrition 101: What Vitamins Cats Need To Stay Healthy

Cat owners turn to preventive care to shield their precious feline friends from diseases. Ensuring your pet has the recommended daily allowance of the right vitamins will help their little bodies combat various illnesses. Continue reading to know the right vitamins to feed your cats for them to maintain peak health.

Chartreux cat price range. Where to buy a Chartreux cat or kitten?

Chartreux is one of the oldest cat breeds in existence and has been recognized by CFA. This breed was not much valued, except for their pelt which was prized by furriers. Chartreux might well be compared to a silent friend but loves to communicate and sometimes silly. Chartreux Kitten price is average $500 – $700. […]

Persian cat price range. Where to find Persian kittens for sale?

The Persian is one of the most popular cat breeds among pet lovers. This cat’s charming appearance can move the heart of anyone. Originating in Asia, the Persian was brought to Europe in the 17th century and soon became a favorite pet in Western countries. Nowadays, the average Persian cat price is about $500 – $700. […]

British Shorthair price range. British Shorthair kittens for sale cost

The British Shorthair is a native British cat breed. They are easy-going, friendly and very intelligent. There are 2 types of British cats, which are the Shorthair and the Longhair. More adorable looking, the Shorthair is more popular around the world. On average, a British Shorthair costs approximately $800, but can range from $600 – […]

Snowshoe cat for sale price range. Where to buy Snowshoe kittens?

The Snowshoe cat is a crossbreed between the Siamese and the American Shorthair. Their most impressive feature is their unique coat color. Whatever their coat color is, the fur on their feet is always white, which results in the name “Snowshoe”. Snowshoes are famous for their docile and affectionate nature, melting the heart of many […]

Burmese cat price range. Best breeders & websites to find Burmese kittens for sale

The Burmese and Birman are both cat breeds of Burmese origin. Due to their similar names, it is not uncommon for people to mistake one for another. It can be said that the Burmese is a short-haired version of the Birman. Representing love and devotion, Burmeses can make cat lovers fall for them at first […]